Cultural Awareness Workshop – Belgium/The Netherlands

Cultural Awareness keynote followed by facilitating a discussion in a group of 60 employees and senior managers at a market leading client about cultural differences between Belgium and The Netherlands and how these influence our communication, organization and management. If you would like to find out more about the presentation please get in touch.  

The New Relevant – Advertising & Digital Media- Media Hungary

The presentation I gave at Media Hungary 2013 in Siofok on May 14th. What does it mean to be “relevant”? We all have our own interpretations. Media landscape has changed and with it our social behavior and perceptions of relevance. This presentation discusses The New Relevant and presents a few case studies. Special credits and […]

Tripylon Media On BNR, Business News Radio

Op woensdag 19 september jl. presenteerde Sirous Kavehercy het concept van So Me Events tijdens een bijeenkomst van de BNR Business Club, thema “Wat staat ondernemend Nederland te wachten na de verkiezingen?”. Tijdens deze presentatie en de daaropvolgende vraag- en antwoordsessie werd er ingegaan op hoe evenementen relevanter en doelgerichter kunnen worden door crowdsourcing- en […]

The History Of Advertising [infographic]

Source: First appeared on Business Insider by Laura Stampler. Over the last 4,000 years, advertising has evolved from people carving public notices in steel to posting viral videos online. Infolinks has created a timeline that explains how we got from reading stone carvings to liking the Old Spice Guy on Facebook. Who knew that the […]